Minnesota Live Adventure

VIII - Redemption

The Story Line

The Kingdom of the Red River Valley has been in existence for several centuries. Founded by the royal family Edgerton, they have ruled the kingdom with a strong family linage. The history of the Red River Valley is similar to other such kingdoms, with its share of strong "kings of the people" and weak tyrants that worked its people to the bone. Over the years the kingdom has flourished, growing in size and absorbing its neighbors. But also it has struggled and shrunk releasing the lands to other new kingdoms. Currently, the kingdom is just below its economic peak and its maximum size historically. The late king, William, was a good king. for the land and especially for its people keeping good relationships with the bordering kingdoms and offering opportunities for all his people to make a good wage.

The Prince, Samuel, will be made king of the land this day. Mysterious Master Talibut has tutored him almost from his birth. The origin of Master Talibut's full name or his history is a mystery. To this day, no one knows whether the king or queen hired Master Talibut for the Prince's tutelage but it has not been questioned in many years. Prince Samuel and Master Talibut have bonded into a close relationship and it is rumored that as the king's first act, he will appoint Master Talibut as Prime Minister of the Red River Valley. Master Talibut appears to have some influence over the Prince and his decisions and as with any new kings, the people speculate on how good, or bad, King Samuel will be.

As for the late King William, he was in the prime of life, though somewhat despondent over the death of his wife, Queen Sophia-Anne. She had a long lingering illness which none of the healers could abate. Some brought her comfort, but none were successful in stopping, reversing, or curing her illness. Some nobles seemingly close to the royal family have suspected the prince of foul play. No evidence has been found to prove their case. Some of these nobles have openly voiced their concern, much to their determent and have either mysteriously disappeared or met their fate at the end of a guillotine. Others, seeing the reaction to such open concerns have maintained their silence and continued their search.

On this day, you have a received an invitation to the Prince's Royal Coronation and your presents as a dignitary of the Kingdom's vast regions is required. It's time to clean your clothes and get your best hat as you're going on an adventure to impress your new liege. You remember that the Prince is particular to rare chocolates and Master Talibut to treasure as tribute for the new king's coronation. It is important to make a good impression on Prince Samuel as he could reward your good nature with discounts on your region taxes and additional protections from other kingdoms. The best impression is your first impression!

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These web pages were updated October, 2010 by Jan David Fisher using Tanggaard SoftwareTSW WebCoder 2010

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